Behind the shot: Cargo Dragon’s Fiery Return to Earth

After launching from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 3:14 AM on August 29th, delivering critical food, water, and science experiments to the astronauts throughout the month of September, on the morning of September 30th, at 9:13 AM Eastern...

2021 Calendar Closeout + 2022 Presale!

After a move of house, I’ve got 37 General Edition and 57 Starship Edition 2021 Calendars lying around that didn’t end up selling! I was ultimately going to recycle these 2021 Calendars since they didn’t sell but I thought there’s...

Capturing NASA’s next Mars rover arriving at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida!

Today, my friend John Kraus and I went up to Titusville, Florida and staked out a spot where we thought we might be able to catch a United States Air Force C-17A Globemaster III landing at the Shuttle Landing Facility,...

One road trip down and the gas savings are already stacking up!

So I’ve just returned home from my 2 week trip to Florida for SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy STP-2 launch and NASA’s Orion Ascent Abort-2 test. It was the first trip in my Tesla Model 3, and it couldn’t have gone better....

Supercharging to a SpaceX launch. This trip, is a little more special.

My, my how the tables have turned! Today I am saying goodbye to an old friend and hello to the future. I became a professional photographer in January 2017, taking the leap of faith and dropping out of school to...

Getting excited for the next Falcon Heavy Launch?!

Here is a fun little video I made with some 120fps video I recorded from the roof of NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building. Hopefully this will tide you over while we wait ~3 more weeks for the launch of the STP-2...

How to view / photograph the Starlink satellites flying by

So, you want to view / photograph the Starlink satellites in the night sky? You’ve come to the right place! You’ll want to be quick, because each day that passes — the satellites get farther and farther apart from each...

We’re headed to New Zealand!

G’day mates — exciting news! Fellow launch photographer, Brady Kenniston and I are headed to New Zealand this weekend to document Rocket Lab’s NASA ElaNa-19 mission! Brady and I have traveled to launches in both California and Florida before, but this...

Christmas is calling you home.

Christmas, is calling you home🙂 This weekend, I had the privilege of watching my image appear in the background during the annual Purdue Christmas Show, right after the Santa reveal! I have known about the Show for a few years...

SpaceX performs more aggressive boostback on SAOCOM-1A Mission

It looks like SpaceX performed a more aggressive boostback burn, almost a boostdown, during the SAOCOM-1A mission. Here’s my analysis of the mission, using pre/post-launch FlightClub data, SpaceX webcast information, and my on-site photos. What is FlightClub, you ask? FlightClub is an...