The other morning I went out and captured these photos of the International Space Station/crew flying between the Moon/Mars from my home. I posted them on my Instagram, Twitter, and various other social media platforms I use. Later that night, I was browsing through my Likers on Instagram…

Just a friendly tip:

Later that night, I was browsing through my Likers on Instagram…and found among the list:

British Astronaut Tim Peake!

I was shocked! To think that Tim Peake liked it from orbit is absolutely marvelous. It’s not the first time an astronaut has interacted with my tweet from orbit. The International Space Station shared a photo of mine from April 4th, 2015 in June and a day later, Scott Kelly retweeted it. I. flipped.

What’s really cool about Tim Peake interacting with it, is that he is the first British ESA astronaut to visit the ISS and will be there until June 2016. Tim, if you’re reading this. I hope your mission is going well, and wish you the best on your spacewalk coming up.

If you’re not following Tim yet, do it. Click here to view Tim’s Instagram. His photos are amazing. Scott Kelly too, click here to view Scotts. 

Whether it is on you Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Periscope, Snapchat, your blog, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, whatever you use.. you should check who engages with your content because you never know who might pop up in the likes, comments, @ replies, etc. And it doesn’t have to just be particularly famous individuals (astronauts for me).

It can be your favorite weather spokesman from channel 9 on TV, blogger, journalist on twitter, YouTube vlogger, Instagrammer, whatever! It could be anyone, and unless you check, you’ll never know they saw your stuff.

Just a friendly tip.

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